Diabetic Treatments

Diabetes develops from high glucose levels that can cause damage to the nerve system in your body and so stopping important messages getting to and from your brain.

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Diabetic Treatments

Diabetes develops from high glucose levels that can cause damage to the nerve system in your body and so stopping important messages getting to and from your brain.

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Diabetes can affect your feet and lower legs in several ways

  • Loss of sensation, often starting at your toes. The chance of this developing increases with the number of years since your diabetes diagnosis. These changes can be very gradual so you can be unaware. Very occasionally pain or a burning sensation may accompany the loss of feeling.
  • When the nerves in your feet are affected, other changes may follow e.g., your toes could start to claw and the bones in your toes become more likely to fracture.
  • Diabetes can affect the blood flow to your feet and so affect your ability to heal quickly.

How to prevent problems

  • To prevent foot problems, it’s important to manage your diabetes well by controlling blood glucose levels (along with your cholesterol and blood pressure) and leading a healthy lifestyle.
  • Check your feet every day. Look after your feet by regular moisturising so preventing the build up of hard skin.
  • Wear correct fitting shoes and socks.
  • Never sit with your feet too close to a source of heat.
  • Avoid using corn plasters

Visiting a Podiatrist for regular foot-care will help to monitor and keep your feet in good condition.