When is Nail Surgery Advised?
If the offending nail spike is located deeper into the tissue, the toe is infected or there is an excess of skin which bleeds easily surrounding the nail – nail surgery is advised.
Nail surgery is a minor surgical procedure. The toe is numbed with a local anaesthetic and a small section from the side of the nail is removed. Occasionally the entire toenail will need to be removed to optimise healing. An acid called phenol is applied to the area where the nail has been removed from – this prevents the nail section from regrowing and causing further ingrown toenails.
Not everyone will be suitable for nail surgery here at the clinic – a pre-operative assessment is required to ensure suitability for the surgery and post-operative care of the toe, which can take on average between 6 to 12 weeks to heal. If we feel that you would be better suited to nail surgery elsewhere we will assist with onward referrals to ensure you receive the most appropriate care.